Graduate Student Alumni
Alec Armstrong, PhD, 2022, MEES, Palmer Lab
Research: Relating biogeochemistry to hydrologic connectivity in stream and wetland ecosystems with a particular focus on organic matter dynamics. |
Maira Bezerra, PhD, 2017, MEES, Palmer Lab
Research: Sugarcane agriculture as an agent of geomorphic change and stream degradation in Brazil. |
Mercedes Burns, PhD, 2014, BEES, Shultz Lab
Research: Phylogenetic Exploration of Mating System Evolution in the Eastern North American Leiobunine Harvestmen (Opiliones: Sclerosomatidae) |
Peter Coffey, MS, 2018, Hooks Lab
Research: Can cover crop residues seuppress pests and improve yield in eggplant? |
Brock Couch, MS, 2019, BEES, Lamp Lab
Research: Biological connectivity of wetland and stream habitats on the Delmarva Peninsula using aquatic macroinvertebrates. |
Steve Epting, MS, MEES, Palmer Lab
Research: Using landscape metrics to predict hydrologic connectivity patterns between forested wetlands and streams in a coastal plain watershed. |
Rosemary Fanelli, PhD, 2016, MEES, Palmer Lab
Research: Effects of urbanization and infiltration-based watershed restoration on the hydro-ecology of headwater streams. |
Matthew Fischer (he/him), PhD, 2022, MOCB, Pick Lab
Research: Quantifying the relative contribution and furthering qualitative understanding of ftz cis-regulatory elements in Drosophila melanogaster |
Alexander Forde, BEES, Gruner Lab
Research: Community ecology, multi-trophic interactions, ecological effects of biodiversity. |
Jackie Hoban, MS, 2017, Shrewsbury Lab
Research: Effect of habitat factors and host plant on natural enemies of emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) and implications for biological control. |
Kelly Hondula, PhD, 2021, MEES, Palmer Lab
Research: Links between hydrology and carbon cycling in forested wetlands |
Jake Hosen, PhD, 2015, MEES, Palmer Lab
Research: Alterations to headwater stream microbial communities and carbon cycling in response to environmental change. |
Ana Jesovnik, PhD, 2016, Mitter Lab
Research: Taxonomy, phylogenomics, and natural history of the fungus-farming ant genus Sericomyrmex. |
Cora Ann Johnston, PhD, 2016, BEES, Gruner Lab
Research: Marine community assembly in a dynamic ecotone. |
Anna Kottkamp, MS, 2019, MEES, Palmer Lab
Research: Organic matter biogeochemistry of terrestrial-wetland interfaces. |
Brian Lovett, PhD, 2019, St. Leger Lab
Research: Mycology and genetics in agricultural and vector biology systems, currently analyzing mycorrhizal interactions in agricultural systems, the transcriptomics of malaria vector mosquitoes, and the genomes of entomopathogenic fungi. |
Gussie Maccracken, PhD, 2020, Shultz Lab
Research: Plant-arthropod associations of southern laramidia during the campanian (late cretaceous) |
Samuel Ramsey, PhD, 2018, vanEngelsdorp Lab
Research: Novel adaptations in morphology, development, and nutrient acquisition for host exploitation in the mesostigmatid honey bee parasite varroa destructor. |
Elanor Stevens, PhD, 2016, BEES, Lamp Lab
Research: Analysis of macroinvertebrate communities in seasonal wetlands through time, space, and species traits. |
Elske Tielens, PhD, 2019, BEES, Gruner Lab
Research: Diversity and structure of Metrosideros polymorpha canopy arthropod communities across space and time. |
Madvhi Venkatraman, PhD, 2021, BEES, Gruner Lab
Research: Population genomics and adaptation to novel environments in the invasive Japanese white-eye (Zosterops japonicus) |
Jie Xiang, PhD, 2017, MOCB, Pick Lab
Research: Dermestes maculatus, a new beetle model system to study segmentation. |
Postdoctoral Associate & Research Faculty Alumni
Alina Avanesyan, Lamp Lab