The Entomology Department at a Glance

Research, teaching, and extension have been the backbone of the Department of Entomology for more than 100 years. Our faculty, students, and post-doctoral fellows remain committed to these three areas, in addition to outreach and public service. We maintain our historical focus on insects and their relatives, but the Department's interests also span a diversity of subdisciplines, including ecology, aquatic biology, molecular and developmental biology, genetics, biological control of insects and weeds, systematics, evolutionary biology, integrated pest management, toxicology, and insect pathology.
Graduate Programs
The Entomology Department offers M.S. and Ph.D. programs. Students may also enroll in interdisciplinary graduate programs such as Biological Sciences Graduate Program (BISI) or Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences (MEES). Our Entomology program enrolls 35 - 40 graduate students annually.
Training of students and the teaching, research and extension activities of faculty and staff are enriched and facilitated by interactions with many off-campus public, governmental, and private organizations. These include the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center and National Agricultural Library, Smithsonian Institution, National Institutes of Health, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, National Park Service, and others.
Graduate Programs
The Entomology Department offers M.S. and Ph.D. programs. Students may also enroll in interdisciplinary graduate programs such as Biological Sciences Graduate Program (BISI) or Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences (MEES). Our Entomology program enrolls 35 - 40 graduate students annually.
Training of students and the teaching, research and extension activities of faculty and staff are enriched and facilitated by interactions with many off-campus public, governmental, and private organizations. These include the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center and National Agricultural Library, Smithsonian Institution, National Institutes of Health, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, National Park Service, and others.

For over 100 years we have sought to combine the best in basic and applied biology to meet the public need for research, outreach, and instruction regarding entomology and related subjects, particularly as these bear on pest management and on stewardship of the environment.
The department belongs to the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS), but with many partial appointments in the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) and/or University of Maryland Extension (UME), which are administered through the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR). The Entomology Chair reports to both CMNS and AGNR Deans.
Strategic Plan 2022 - 2027
Following a regularly scheduled and highly successful external review in Fall 2021, the Department of Entomology set out to create a strategic plan for the next 5 years. The resulting strategic plan, like the University-wide strategic plan “Fearlessly Forward: In Pursuit of Excellence and Impact for the Public Good”, attempts to reimagine what our department does to uphold and expand our mission of service to humanity. Like the university plan, ours is underpinned by a commitment to values-driven excellence, diversity, equity and inclusion, impact, innovation, collaboration, and service to humanity.
You can read our entire strategic plan here.
For over 100 years we have sought to combine the best in basic and applied biology to meet the public need for research, outreach, and instruction regarding entomology and related subjects, particularly as these bear on pest management and on stewardship of the environment.
The department belongs to the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS), but with many partial appointments in the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) and/or University of Maryland Extension (UME), which are administered through the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR). The Entomology Chair reports to both CMNS and AGNR Deans.
Strategic Plan 2022 - 2027
Following a regularly scheduled and highly successful external review in Fall 2021, the Department of Entomology set out to create a strategic plan for the next 5 years. The resulting strategic plan, like the University-wide strategic plan “Fearlessly Forward: In Pursuit of Excellence and Impact for the Public Good”, attempts to reimagine what our department does to uphold and expand our mission of service to humanity. Like the university plan, ours is underpinned by a commitment to values-driven excellence, diversity, equity and inclusion, impact, innovation, collaboration, and service to humanity.
You can read our entire strategic plan here.
- University of Maryland, College Park campus in suburban Maryland
- 3rd & 4th floor of the Plant Sciences Building (dedicated September 1997), 5 minute walk to nearly all other CMNS and AGNR departments
- 10 minutes from Beltsville Agricultural Research Center and National Agricultural Library
- 35 minutes from Smithsonian Institution and downtown Washington, DC
- 40 minutes from National Institutes of Health
- 1 hour from Wye Research and Education Center (MAES), Eastern Shore of Chesapeake Bay