James Linduska
Professor Emeritus
Office Phone: 301-405-3912
Research Interests
Before retiring, Dr. Linduska was stationed at the Lower Eastern Shore Research and Education Center-Salisbury Facility. This farm is located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland approximately 125 miles from campus and is devoted primarily to serving the vegetable industry. He is a past vegetable section editor of Insecticide and Acaracide Tests and has served as the IR-4 state liaison for the past 20 years. Before he retired, he was responsible for developing pest control recommendations, IPM programs and IR-4 programs on more than 40 different vegetable crops. In recent years, in cooperation with Dr. Galen Dively, he has concentrated on developing IPM programs on potatoes, tomatoes, sweet corn and cucurbits. Their research on pickling cucumbers has resulted in a 90% reduction of carbofuran, with no increase in bacterial wilt. Previously, all fields were treated with this insecticide. More current research efforts have focused on resistance management strategies for control of Colorado potato beetle. These include the use of barrier treatments of imidacloprid (Admire 2F, Bayer) a new soil-applied insecticide. Additional research has been done on transgenic sweet corn and transgenic potatoes.
Recent Publications
Linduska, J.J., C.E. Beste, C.A. and McClurg. 1989-1998. Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations. MD. Ext. Bull. 236. 148 pp. (Joint publication with New Jersey, Delaware and Virginia). revised annually since 1973.
Linduska, J.J., A. Brown, E.M. Dutky, J.G. Kantzes. 1994-1997. Control of Insects and Diseases in Home Vegetable Gardens. MD. Ext. Bull. 252.
Dively, G.P., J. Whalen, J.J. Linduska, T. Patton, and D. Bean. 1995. Vegetable Pest Management: Pest Identification and Biology, Scouting Procedures and Recommended Actions. MCES Pest Management Guidelines No. 47. 53 pp. (revised).
Linduska, J.J., M. Ross, D. Baumann, and M. Lemuiex. 1999. Control of Cabbage Looper, Diamondback moth and Imported Cabbageworm on Cabbage with Foliar Sprays of Microbial Insecticides, 1998. Arthropod Management Tests. 24.
Linduska, J.J., M. Ross, D. Baumann, and M. Lemuiex. 1999. Foliar Sprays to Control Ear Invading Insects in Sweet Corn, 1998. Arthropod Management Tests. 24.
Linduska, J.J., G.P. Dively, and M. Ross. 1998. Timing Insecticide Applications for Sap Beetle Control in B.t. Sweet Corn. Proc. Mid-Atlantic Veg. Prod. Worker's Conf.
Ghidiu, G.M., and J.J. Linduska. 1989. Evaluation of Oxamyl as a transplant drench application and multiple foliar sprays for control of Colorado Potato Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on Tomato in Maryland and New Jersey. J. Econ. Entomol. 82:891-894.
Linduska, J.J. and G.P. Dively. 1990. Development of Early Season Colorado Potato Beetle Thresholds for Processing Tomato Production. Brighton Crop Protection Conference - Pests and Diseases: 1:337-42.
Belisle, B., C. Knoch, C. Celeri, T. Montgomery, T. Gong, E. Dougherty, D. Lynn, M. Shapiro, and J. Linduska. 1991. Large Scale In vitro Production of Wild-type AcNPV with Potential for use as a biological pesticide. In vitro cellular and developmental biology, 27(3): 121A.
Dively, G.P., P.A. Follett, J.J. Linduska, and G.K. Roderick. 1998. Deployment of imidacloprid- treated row mixtures for Colorado potato beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) management. J. Econ. Entomol. 91: 376 - 387.
Linduska, J. J. and J. P. Linduska. 1992. Policing Pesky Pests on Potatoes, Peas and Peppers. In J. R. Adams, e., A Sense of Entomology. Sandhill Crane Press, Inc., Gainesville. Pg. 175-181.
Office Phone: 301-405-3912
Research Interests
Before retiring, Dr. Linduska was stationed at the Lower Eastern Shore Research and Education Center-Salisbury Facility. This farm is located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland approximately 125 miles from campus and is devoted primarily to serving the vegetable industry. He is a past vegetable section editor of Insecticide and Acaracide Tests and has served as the IR-4 state liaison for the past 20 years. Before he retired, he was responsible for developing pest control recommendations, IPM programs and IR-4 programs on more than 40 different vegetable crops. In recent years, in cooperation with Dr. Galen Dively, he has concentrated on developing IPM programs on potatoes, tomatoes, sweet corn and cucurbits. Their research on pickling cucumbers has resulted in a 90% reduction of carbofuran, with no increase in bacterial wilt. Previously, all fields were treated with this insecticide. More current research efforts have focused on resistance management strategies for control of Colorado potato beetle. These include the use of barrier treatments of imidacloprid (Admire 2F, Bayer) a new soil-applied insecticide. Additional research has been done on transgenic sweet corn and transgenic potatoes.
Recent Publications
Linduska, J.J., C.E. Beste, C.A. and McClurg. 1989-1998. Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations. MD. Ext. Bull. 236. 148 pp. (Joint publication with New Jersey, Delaware and Virginia). revised annually since 1973.
Linduska, J.J., A. Brown, E.M. Dutky, J.G. Kantzes. 1994-1997. Control of Insects and Diseases in Home Vegetable Gardens. MD. Ext. Bull. 252.
Dively, G.P., J. Whalen, J.J. Linduska, T. Patton, and D. Bean. 1995. Vegetable Pest Management: Pest Identification and Biology, Scouting Procedures and Recommended Actions. MCES Pest Management Guidelines No. 47. 53 pp. (revised).
Linduska, J.J., M. Ross, D. Baumann, and M. Lemuiex. 1999. Control of Cabbage Looper, Diamondback moth and Imported Cabbageworm on Cabbage with Foliar Sprays of Microbial Insecticides, 1998. Arthropod Management Tests. 24.
Linduska, J.J., M. Ross, D. Baumann, and M. Lemuiex. 1999. Foliar Sprays to Control Ear Invading Insects in Sweet Corn, 1998. Arthropod Management Tests. 24.
Linduska, J.J., G.P. Dively, and M. Ross. 1998. Timing Insecticide Applications for Sap Beetle Control in B.t. Sweet Corn. Proc. Mid-Atlantic Veg. Prod. Worker's Conf.
Ghidiu, G.M., and J.J. Linduska. 1989. Evaluation of Oxamyl as a transplant drench application and multiple foliar sprays for control of Colorado Potato Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on Tomato in Maryland and New Jersey. J. Econ. Entomol. 82:891-894.
Linduska, J.J. and G.P. Dively. 1990. Development of Early Season Colorado Potato Beetle Thresholds for Processing Tomato Production. Brighton Crop Protection Conference - Pests and Diseases: 1:337-42.
Belisle, B., C. Knoch, C. Celeri, T. Montgomery, T. Gong, E. Dougherty, D. Lynn, M. Shapiro, and J. Linduska. 1991. Large Scale In vitro Production of Wild-type AcNPV with Potential for use as a biological pesticide. In vitro cellular and developmental biology, 27(3): 121A.
Dively, G.P., P.A. Follett, J.J. Linduska, and G.K. Roderick. 1998. Deployment of imidacloprid- treated row mixtures for Colorado potato beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) management. J. Econ. Entomol. 91: 376 - 387.
Linduska, J. J. and J. P. Linduska. 1992. Policing Pesky Pests on Potatoes, Peas and Peppers. In J. R. Adams, e., A Sense of Entomology. Sandhill Crane Press, Inc., Gainesville. Pg. 175-181.
- B.S. 1965 University of Maryland Agronomy Botany
- M.S. 1968 University of Maryland Entomology Agronomy
- Ph.D. 1973 University of Maryland Entomology Agronomy /Horticulture